
I wrote this piece during a period when I was not loving me, when I didn't feel beautiful. Then   I looked at my body and the words began to flow.

Loving myself
My body, my stretchmarks
My hair, my broad nose, my thick mass of hair
Full enchanting lips
I love the way I speak
I'm accepting all of me

My body is without flaw, everything is perfect
Scars make me beautiful, gives me my identity
I am who I am
I live I love I laugh in this body
I rejoice I live I cry but I tread on 
Everything beautiful is who I am

I embrace my state of being
I look in the mirror and see heaven
Magnificent being
Made from the darkest of coals
Sweetest of honey
I reflect sweetness and fierceness

With this body I am changing the narratives
I am redefining the word "BLACK"
I am moving it to a state of divinity
The state of being heavenly, extraterrestrial
I am beyond acceptance, I am in love with this body 

Photo: Lyra Aoko - Rosemary


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