2AM Friends

 I remember going through a devotional a while back with the topic 2am Friends, who are generally  just friends that you talk to or call at dire times and situations in your life. I think it's really important as individuals to have friends that are always there for you,that you call at 2am in the morning saying 'I really need someone to talk to' OR 'I really need your help' in times of trouble  when you might just want to talk, vent to or even just pray with and also to share good news with and know that they'll will be genuinely happy for you.
These types of friends can constantly be honest with you and tell you straight facts without bias even when you might not be willing to listen. They call you out on your shortcomings, but mind you their purpose of advising is not to belittle or constantly nag but because they're genuinely concerned about you,your welfare and progress. These kinds of friends are genuinely happy when things go well for you and are deeply hurt when things go otherwise. Having friends that  are always standing by you is really a blessing and i'm fortunate to have friends such as these in my siblings. We have such an open floor and that special bond that we can discuss absolutely anything going on in our lives. These kinds of friends constantly fill you with confidence, faith, prayers, advice and are always lending an helping hand in times of crisis.
 According to Fela Durotoye, these kinds of friends add to you, in times of trouble after speaking to them you feel at peace even if the issue you took to them isn't solved, they find ways of reassuring you and do not mind going the extra mile for you.
While it is worth noting that we all want such friends, a question that should come to our mind is " are we such friends to others?" Do we create an environment in which our friends can freely speak their minds and be open with us and not worry about being judged,criticized or laughed at, because honestly speaking a lot of us are often the first to laugh when our friends bring up issues that genuinely bother them and the issue or problem in question turned to a joke. Often times the person  in question might join in laughing so as to appear not hurt but in reality is really hurt and after that keeps issues to his or herself. I know some will say joking is a mechanism used to lighten situations but sometimes the person just wants to have a serious discussion.By laughing or joking in  times such as this we have created an environment where people do not discuss their issues for fear of being ridiculed and have closed doors for serious discussions which we sometimes can learn from.


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