POETRY: In Hiding

For those who go through dark days they can't share or explain, my heart is with you.

They ask ''how are you?"
you smile
your heart beats loudly like the talking drum
your hands shakes a little
because how do you say
''I'm dying slowly 
my days are filled with emptiness, sadness and months with lows
I struggle to breathe sometimes
my chest tightens too
and i think it might never end"

How do you explain
that your life is whirring past
and you are barely hanging on
that you feel emotions you can't explain
and thoughts you shouldn't have
that your mind is numb and your heart distant

 Like you are walking alone in the forest
at night
afraid, heart palpitating
no light in sight
your voice echoing back
Uneasy because monsters lurk
That running leads to dead ends
so you stay lost and wandering in this place of nowhere

But instead you bolt your feelings in
Smile and say  i'm fine and you?"



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