Birthday/New Year

OK the moment we’ve all being waiting for (basically me) *drumroll* 
MY BIRTHDAY!!!!!. So I rang in the day with Beauty and the Beast, with the closing credits ending two  minutes before 12:00 am, prayed into the new year and had a pretty chill day.

 I’m really excited, not just because it’s my birthday but also because it’s a major milestone in my life for a lot of reasons. This  past year has been amazing, like really and I am grateful for the things I’ve learnt and i'm proud of myself.  This year I achieved some pretty badass things;

·         Watched a late night movie(almost midnight)
·         Snuck Suya/Kebab (whatever you call it) into the cinema hall
·          Officially launched and became serious with this blog
·         Started writing again( halleluiah) and read some amazing books
·         Put myself first, uncluttered mentally, let go of a lot of bad vibes and energy
·         Passed ‘WEIRDNESS ACCEPTANCE’ and unlocked ‘ I-DON’T-CARE-ISM’ .

I’m still working on my social outside skills  but so far, I did amazing. Here’s to many more.


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