WEB: Welcome back

It’s been a long while I lasted posted, even if I  said I would post regularly. I know that paints me as quite unserious. However it is also important to note that blogging is an expensive hobby   plus the whole shiznit that   has happened the past weeks; laptop ruined, travelling ,bad phone.  Regardless,I didn’t stop writing  during the hiatus, so I’m back and I hope for good so we move.
 I have this short piece I wrote a while back, surprisingly in church

Oh dysfunction so sweet
Messed up patterns ecstasy
Misplaced priorities the order of the day
Toeing steep lanes of chaos
Basking in the joys of disorder
Continuous cycle of madness
Funneled from generation to generation
Embraced as the standard
Now we all crazy
Exhibiting shades of confusion


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