RANTINGS: Hurt and healing

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Admitting weaknesses, hurt, pain and taking time to seek the origin is one of the most challenging things to do.

Almost everyone is dealing with some form of hurt or pain usually linked to something, or what someone did or said in the past, and usually things we ignored or considered inconsequential. At other times it might even be guilt from what we did ourselves.

Low self-esteem, body image issues, daddy issues, trust issues almost always stem from a word or action(s) of a person said or done to us.When we acknowledge our hurt,trace it and work on addressing the root cause(s) of why we feel and act the way we do then we can be on the road to finding healing and  inner peace.

For me socializing was a really serious issue, serious as in I’m socially awkward and it never used to be that way but taking a step back to self analyse really made the me understand the cause. Somewhere along the journey in my teenage life, something had occurred that had changed me and caused me to retreat me into myself, but I hadn’t noticed.

 Looking inward to finding the source, forced me to acknowledge what had taken place, find the defense mechanisms I had put in place to shield myself and work towards changing and addressing it and it has been truly helpful  in finding my voice, breaking down my walls and being the best I can.

Finding the root cause doesn’t automatically mean we’ll find healing, it takes times, work, self-love, discipline,feelings of vulnerability, fighting against and forgiving your own self.

Do not be deceived o, the journey of inward looking is not all smooth, it is painful, jarring, you might cry, dig up past hurt but in the end it’s all worth it, you are able to grow, find happiness and uproot hindrances.



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