Another day, Another Man
I previously had not wanted to post this but then again, a second cousin of mine complained that her teacher was calling her 'my wife' and asking students to sit with him and stroke his jaw. I was riled up
and disgusted.
A couple of months ago, my younger sister told me a girl in her class got beaten, not once or twice by a teacher on her boobs *yes , you read that right* for wearing a chain, she got suspended.
Why? You ask? because she fought back against her abuser. Disappointingly, her parents came to apologise to the school. The school who believed and shielded the teacher. The abuser was being apologised to. *let that sink in*. The pervert teacher who should be queried, sacked, shamed or even arrested was protected and defended by the Principal and other members of staff.
It's really sad that this girl has being completely intimidated into silence and guilt for doing nothing, and even more sad that there was nothing I could do.
Not surprising, stories like this are not uncommon , millions of female students are abused and receive unwanted attention from male teachers all the time and they are silenced and those who fight back are punished.
It's not always outright but can range from the supposedly 'flirtatious' comments, constant negative attention, inappropriate touching and outright punishment for the strangest things.
Oh but it's passed off as just normal school things.
Schools, like a lot of other institutions are breeding grounds for building foundations of enabling environments for abuse,victim blaming and forced silence in the name of respect.
It is riveting and gives me hives just writing about it , but every other day it's another story, another girl.
We are tired of waiting for God to Judge, or spitting curses while remaining silent, we will name you and shame you.
We say one in three girls are assaulted, they say not all men, but who then because it has to be someone's father, brother, son, or uncle, but we only see the shadowed 'not all men'.
Yet who are the millions doing it, the nameless and faceless.
That's all about to change , the silence clothe has been torn.
Image: Shannon Downey @badasscrossstitch
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