On Vibes And Inspiration

Happy new month guys, I am particularly happy this month because I just get to sleep, write and do all the things I like. NO SCHOOL!!! (dabs)

So recently I tried to find out if there’s a pattern to my inspiration or creative juices, but there was absolutely none. It just comes like a door is suddenly opened, you just get  suddenly aware and alive.While just laying around, eating, at midnight, early mornings, in the market, in a bus just at any time or place.  Sometimes as I write, I just feel my body swirl like I’m suddenly swaying to the music of my writing or beats of drums unknown. Sometimes ideas come to me like a flash and some other times it just builds up or just get ideas from previous ideas, books, movies or events happening to me.

A lot of times, when I’m out and a lot of things are happening and people are doing their thing, I’m basically  just there staring, soaking it up sometimes even unintentionally and days later it becomes a topic for writing.  Some people sometimes say they feel I write about them but I’ve really never written about anyone in particular, inspiration comes from memories and feelings and sometimes things I’ve not even felt at all.

Writing for me is therapeutic, it unclogs my mind and frees my spirit but it can also be exhausting.(Blessing and a curse) While writing I feel myself feeling the emotions in the piece I’m writing, like I get teary or even start crying when writing some pieces even if it has nothing to do with me. Sometimes after writing I get angry, sometimes relived and other times just plain ol’ sad, and that’s the story of my new life.  So don't get mad when you see me in a mood it's not your fault.


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