
Showing posts from March, 2017


So for some time I've been thinking about this issue,and I thought why not write something on it and here we are. For those who don't know IJGB means I Just Got Back.This is a colloquialism used to describe people just arriving from "the abroad", such as the US, UK, maybe Canada but Ghana  and Benin republic does not count sorry. Well what's my problem with it you say? Well this phenomenon has been a deciding factor for a lot of things lately, like being able to speak with  a foreign accent now determines how people measure your intelligence or level of exposure. The thing is we have always regarded imported things/items better than our own be it language, food and way of life, so when there’s an influx of people with whom we believe have experiences of the other world we consider them superior to our homegrown. I’ve heard stories of people going for interviews only to be turned down for the IJGB with probably less experience or qualification. I probably won’t...


These days my days seem to go by in a blur round and round it goes. The images of yesterday coming by again Tis early I rise and continue the motions Fed Soon it seems I'll be lost in this universe For now it seems a bother, but in due time I'll get to embrace it My imagination keeps me going With images of happy places and people Who I've never once seen Fills me with bliss and leads me further into the abyss of a whole nother world.